Our sweet little girl is 4 months already!!! Time is FLYING!!!! She is so cute and fun, we just want to eat her up all the time!!! Fun things about her:
She reaches out to grab things, including our faces which is SO precious :)
She baby babbles and squeals all the time..she's gonna be a talker!
She can almost roll over
She has two little teeth...crazy!
She sleeps through the night, most nights...
She loves to look at books
She sings (humms) herself to sleep..so precious!
AND....This is her new trick!!!!....

ok, so she can only hold it for like 10-15 seconds, but STILL!!!! We were freaking out with excitement! We will keep practicing for sure!!

Grandma JuJu and Pops and Tenley's 3 aunts brought her home form New York this cute outfit!

First time in the "Big Girl Bath" :) our little mermaid loves water!

Just chillin waiting for mom and dad to hurry and get ready and pick me up

She fell asleep looking at her favorite book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear"

Out for a quick walk around the block to get some needed fresh air for a few minutes. I think she just loves being outside so much that she doesn't care about the cold because she never cried!

Tenley's first time trying baby rice cereal....lets just say it was a HILARIOUS experience!! She didn't know quite what to do with it. She made sour faces and more of it came out than actually went in her tummy :) SO fun!!!

We didn't take an "after" picture for some dumb reason, but here is the next days feeding event "after" pictures!...

Messy bessy!!

Excited to eat her cereal again!!

Tummy Time :) Still doesn't last very long, but we are working on it!

She loves her dog Woofie :)