Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas time!

Our first Christmas together was spent in California with my family. It was so wonderful being in warm weather!! And we had a good time reading the scriptures on Christmas Eve about Christ being born, and eating a nice dinner and singing songs, and listening to Cyndi and Cori play their piano Christmas songs. And we got to talk to Justin's brother Ryan on his mission! We had a great first Christmas together!!

haha ya this was hysterical with Kevin trying to get up the guts to wrap his arms around Justin and Justin getting up the guts to let Kevins arms wrap around him...apparentely guys don't do that! It took them forever to finally do it and they were yelling to hurry and take the picture!! haha classic

Goofy family pictures

We all slept in the TV room upstairs together as tradition. And then, in the morning we, sleepy heads, wait by the stairs for the all clear from mom and dad. At this age we sleep in til like 9:30 now, its great because when we were little we were up at the crack of dawn of course!

We checked out our stockings first. Our first stockings! (thanks to walmart) It's weird, but way fun being each others Santa :)

Some amazing presents from the Drake's! Thank you!

And some great presents from the King's! thank you!

and some presents from each other! It was so much fun giving each other presents!

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