Friday, January 21, 2011

Universal Studios Hollywood

We surprised Justin and took him to Universal Studios because he has been wanting to go there. He loved it!
Ahhhhhh JAWS!

Going on the universal studios backlot tour

the Jurassic Park ride after going down a huge waterfall

Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!

Waiting for the Waterworld show to start

Awww precious :)

Snow in California?

One Sunday afternoon, during church, it decided to SNOW! We hadn't seen snow in our area for as long as we lived there...10 years! It doesn't get cold enough. But, it snowed and stuck! (for a day and it melted on Monday) Fun for my siblings for the time though because they got to have snowball fights and go sledding!

Hahah a palm tree with snow??


We introduced Justin to Solvang the old Danish town where they have waffle houses, fudge, pastry houses, shops, and boutiques. Eating some good old Danish food. We are actually part Danish.


We got to go to Disneyland as a family-we haven't gone together in 5 years!

Disneyland was pretty with all its Christmas decorations.


The tram ride where Justin got in trouble for sticking his hand out!

Such handsome boys

California Adventure

Thank you Kevin for sneaking in and being a photo bomber

Heidi is now the photo bomber haha on pirates of the carribean

also on pirates

Waiting in line at the haunted mansion that was decorated like the Nightmare Before cool!

At the Tron dance party in California Adventure

The freak-outers getting ready to go on Tower of Terror!


ANOTHER photo bomber...trend in the family I guess

and thanks to dad ANOTHER photo freakin bomber!

what a boring crew :)

I don't want to leave..... :(

Christmas DAY!!!

All the cousins anxiously waiting to go see what Santa brought us!
It's a race!!

WOW have some presents!

Checking out the goods in our stockings

Sobisky's opening presents

The Bairds


Justin got some much needed new shoes

and I got new clothes yay!
He got an Itunes gift card from me and I got new scriptures with my new name on them

I also got him a new hoodie

We got a SEWING MACHINE from the Drake's

Justin's famous Cheesey Poofs!

The pancake and waffle king finally got a waffle maker horray!!

We also got scattergories from Justin's sister Shannon

hahah Cyndi got an awesome Snuggie and I had to put it in our blog because I'm jealous and I want it!

The boys practicing the new hunting game-so scary!

Christmas Day us kids went to the part up the street and play night games for hours and then came home cuz it started pouring rain!...But I guess since we were already wet we felt like a dip in the spa...while it was still raining-funny!

pooped after a long day of fun.